Requesting Library Catalog Items
Scenario 1:
You find an item in the Library Catalog that is held by the PSC Library...but it's checked out!
Scenario 2:
You find an item in the Library Catalog...but it's owned by Chadron State College or Wayne State College!
Don't Worry!
You can request the item through the Library Catalog.
Requesting a Checked Out Item (not on the shelf):
- Places you on a Hold List for the item
- PSC Library contacts you when the item is returned
- You must check it out within 3 days of being contacted
Requesting an item from Chadron or Wayne State Colleges:
- The other Library will mail the item to Peru State College
- PSC Library contacts you when the item arrives
- You pick the item up from the PSC Library!
Hint: If you haven't heard from the PSC Library in 7 days, please contact us so we may ask the other Library about the status of your request.