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EMPOWER - Module 4 - Website Overview and Library Catalog

Request an Item

Requesting Library Catalog Items

Scenario 1:
You find an item in the Library Catalog that is held by the PSC Library...but it's checked out!

Scenario 2:
You find an item in the Library Catalog...but it's owned by Chadron State College or Wayne State College!


Don't Worry!

You can request the item through the Library Catalog.



Requesting a Checked Out Item (not on the shelf):
  • Places you on a Hold List for the item
  • PSC Library contacts you when the item is returned
  • You must check it out within 3 days of being contacted
Requesting an item from Chadron or Wayne State Colleges:
  • The other Library will mail the item to Peru State College
  • PSC Library contacts you when the item arrives
  • You pick the item up from the PSC Library!


Hint: If you haven't heard from the PSC Library in 7 days, please contact us so we may ask the other Library about the status of your request.


How to Request Items in the Catalog

Before You Begin:

Register your PSC Student ID at the Library Front Desk!

Your Student ID will become your Library Card.


  1. Find an item in the Library Catalog
  2. Check the Location for the College that owns it
  3. If owned by PSC, check the Status
    • If available, disregard the next steps and find your item on the shelf!
  4. Click the Request linkScreenshots indicating where the Request Link is located on examples of the full catalog record and the results list.
  5. Login with
    • Your First and Last Name
    • NUID
  6. Receive a prompt about the item's availability
  7. Click Submit
  8. Choose the Library where the item is held
    • If more than one library is available, choose PSC first.
    • If there is only one, it will be automatically selected.
  9. Click Request Selected Item


Your request has been submitted!

You will be contacted when the item is available.

Peru State College Library
600 Hoyt Street | Peru, NE | (402) 872-2311