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EMPOWER - Module 1 - Introduction to Research

PSC Library

Click the following tabs to explore the physical resources available in the PSC Library.

Photograph of the PSC Library's Main Floor

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Peru State College Library Authored by: Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education License: Copyright by State of Nebraska

Items to Check Out. Items that may be checked out and also leave the Library building include Books, which may be checked out for three weeks, and CDs/DVDs, which may be checked out for one week.  Items that may be checked out but may not leave the Library building include Textbooks on Reserve, Laptops, and device chargers; all of which may be checked out in the Library building for two hours.

Table describing the seven collections located on the Library’s Main Level.  The Periodicals feature printed newspapers, journals, and magazines. The Career Services collection contains study guides for standardized tests like Praxis, GRD, MCAT, LSAT, and others.  The New Books collection provides books that have been published in the last two years as well as bestselling fiction.  The Reference collection contains dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other similar indexes.  The Computer Lab has a collection of desktop computers on which students may access free black and white printing.  The Audio-Visual collection provides DVDs, CDs and Audio Books, as well as Vinyl Records.  Finally, the Study Aids feature books containing subject overviews, including older editions of textbooks.

Table describing the four collections located on the Library’s Curriculum Level.  The Curriculum Books has teacher editions of K-12 curriculum books.  The Picture Books includes illustrated books for young children.  The Juvenile Books, contains chapter books for older children.  Finally, the Young Adult Books feature fiction books for young adults.

Table describing the one collection located on the Library’s Lower Level.  The Main Collection contains books on all subjects.  These may be used for both research and other assignments.

Table describing the one collection located on the Library’s Parking Level.  The Bound Periodicals collection provides past issues of periodicals that have been bound into book form.

The following is a table of the types of services available at the PSC Library, where they may be accessed, and who the staff contact is.  The two services available at the PSC Library are Inter Library Loan and Research Assistance.  Inter Library Loan is available through request forms within the Library’s subscription databases, email at, and paper forms at the Library’s front desk.  The staff contact for Inter Library Loan is the Library Technician, Susan Abrahams.  Research Assistance is available upon request at the Library’s front desk, via email at, and over the phone at 402-872-2311.  The staff contact for Research Assistance is the Reference Librarian, Mary Barrett.

Peru State College Library
600 Hoyt Street | Peru, NE | (402) 872-2311