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Library Staff

Veronica Meier, Library Director

Mary Barrett, Reference Librarian

Susan Abrahams, Library Technician

Library Hours

Spring Hours - 2025 
Monday - Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - Midnight
Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday 3:00 p.m. - Midnight

Spring Mid-Term Break - 2025

  • Sunday, March 9, Closed
  • Monday-Friday, March 10-14, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 15, Closed
  • Sunday, March 16, 3:00 p.m. - Midnight

Spring Break - 2025

  • Sunday, April 20, Closed
  • Monday, April 21, 8:00 a.m. - Midnight

Commencement - 2025

  • Saturday, May 10, 7:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Our Philosophy

The Peru State College Library supports intellectual growth and creativity by providing resources, services, and an environment that facilitates lifelong learning and the research of our patrons.

The Peru State College Library will be an essential part of the College that enriches learning, enhances the college experience, and engages with the community we serve.

Variety: We maintain a climate of openness for all traditions, cultures, and scholarship.

Innovation: We develop innovative services to benefit our patrons and to anticipate future needs.

Integrity: We create an environment of honesty and empathy.

Lifelong Learning: We encourage the development of information literacy and critical thinking skills to prepare patrons for a life of learning.

Quality Service: We strive to provide the best quality service possible to all our patrons.

Patron-Centered: We value our patrons and strive to create an environment, physical and virtual, that engages them.

Privacy: We protect each patron's right to privacy and confidentiality.

To serve our patrons with the best quality service.

To teach information literacy skills for the development of critical thinking and for the promotion of lifelong learning.

To build relationships beyond the library, and to collaborate with the College community to advance the services and resources of the Library.

To develop services that meet the current and future needs of our patrons.

To provide resources that support the academic programs and research of the College.

To create an environment, physical and virtual, that fosters the pursuit of knowledge and that encourages the interaction of our patrons.

To preserve and facilitate the use of special collections relevant to the history and mission of the College.

Our Policies

To create a safe, respectful, and welcoming space for all patrons for studying, research, collaboration, and the learning process.


  • Respect others, Library staff, and the facilities.3
  • Create and support an educational environment which will achieve the purposes of higher learning.3
  • Comply with Peru State College and Library policies.
  • Leave the building at closing and use authorized areas only.
  • Respond to security gate alarms, emergency alarms, and other situations as instructed by college employees.2

Expectations will be met by:

Not violating the safety and security of others. Prohibited behaviors include but not limited to those contained in Board Policy 3021.

Not disturbing or disrupting others. Disruptive behavior undermines the learning environment for others.3 Prohibited behaviors include but not limited to the following:

  • Creating disturbances with disruptive noise such as loud talking or audible electronic devices (e.g. use headphones with electronic devices).
  • Inappropriately demanding the attention of others such as disrupting others who are studying.2
  • Abusive, obscene, insulting, intimidating, or threatening language.1
  • Communication that threatened individuals, disrupts the learning process, and/or creates a harassing environment is not a right held pursuant to their right of expression.3
  • Having non-service animals in the library. (Only service animals are permitted.)
  • Sleeping in the Library. This does not include the occasional study-induced nap.
  • Leaving young children unsupervised.
  • Photographing individuals without permission.
  • Leaving personal belongings unattended. Not responsible for lost or misplaced items.
  • Engaging in improper acts which are subject to prosecution under the state code of law.

Not damaging, defacing, or destroying library materials or property. Prohibited behaviors include but not limited to the following:

  • Moving furniture to inappropriate locations. (If you move furniture, return it to its original location in order to stay in ADA compliance.)
  • Not throwing away trash. (Use the waste receptacles.)
  • Not informing staff when food and/or drinks have been spilled.
  • Damaging or attempting to damage property of the College or of another individual.2
  • Misuse of computers or computing resources, but not limited to, violating the following federal regulations: the Copyright Act of 1979 and the Fair Use Guidelines, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002.2
  • Underlining, highlighting, writing, and/or removing pages from library materials.
  • Removing Library materials, furniture, and equipment without authorization.

Individuals may ask an individual or group to abide by the code of conduct as well as inform the Library staff of any infractions. 
Individuals failing to abide by the code of conduct is subject to sanctions such as asked to leave the library, removal from the library, suspension from the library for a period of time, report to Associate Vice President for Student Affairs who may refer the student to the disciplinary process (Board Policy 3200) and legal prosecution.

1 Disruptive Student Policy (Peru State College)
2 Nebraska State College System Board Policy 3100 – Conduct & Discipline; Students
3 Nebraska State College System Board Policy 3250 – Rights and Responsibilities; Students

Prepared from reviewing NSCS Board and Peru State College policies, Code of Conduct policies of University of California – Berkeley Library, Omaha Public Library, University of Connecticut – Meskill Law Library, and University of Washington Library.


  • Books, audiobooks, and kits check out for 3 weeks.
  • DVDs, CDs, and other audiovisual materials check out for 1 week. 
  • Exceptions are:
    • Reference Books may only be checked out by PSC Faculty.
    • Current print and bound periodicals may only be checked out by PSC Faculty.
    • Reserve items may only be checked out by PSC students, faculty, administrators, and staff.
  • Public patrons may check out only 3 audiovisual materials (e.g. DVDs) at a time.
  • Items may be renewed 2 times as long as they are not being held for another patron.  

Returning Items

  • Items may be returned at the front desk during hours of operations or at the outside drop box at any time.


  • No fines are charged to late items. 

Charge for Items Not Returned

  • Within a reasonable time, patrons will be billed for items not returned. 
  • The charge will be for the list price of the item as well as a processing fee of $15.00. 
  • When charges reach $5.00, the system will prevent further check outs.
  • If the patron is a PSC student, a hold will be placed on her/his/their student account until the item(s) are returned or replaced.

Shipping Library Materials to Patrons

  • The Library will ship physical items to patrons for a $3.00 per item fee to cover shipping costs. 
  • The patron is responsible for the items during the shipping from and to the Library and for the return mailing costs.

It is provided to PSC students, alumni, faculty, administrators, and staff for free; charges by lending library may be charged back to the patron after her/his/their acceptance of the charge. 

Non-PSC patrons will be charged $6.00 per item to cover processing and shipping costs.

Anything may be requested except course materials available through the College bookstore, archival materials, rare books, and bound/unbound periodicals. Each lending library decides what materials they will lend. 

The PSC Library lends out all materials except curriculum books, reserve items, archival items, rare books, and bound/unbound periodicals. 

Lending libraries also determine if an item may be renewed. If a renewal is necessary, contact the PSC Library 3-5 business days before its due date so it may be requested.

The PSC Library will mail physical items for a $3.00 per item to cover shipping costs. The patron is responsible for the item during its shipping to and from the Library and for return shipping.

The PSC Library stops requesting physical items the week before finals because items may not be received before end of semester. 

The Library follows copyright law (Section 108 of the Copyright Act) and CONTU (Commission of New Technological Uses) guidelines.

  • The Library can only request the same work 5 times in a calendar year. A copy must be purchased after 5 requests.
  • The Library can only receive 5 articles from a single periodical title published in the past 5 years in a calendar year. The Library must pay for additional articles or subscribe to the periodical after 5 requests.
  • The Library can only request 1 article per periodical issue or 1 chapter per book for a patron.

No item or copy acquired through interlibrary loan will be added to the library collection.

The Library will maintain records of all requests for 3 calendar years after the request is made.

The Library expects the PSC community and its patrons to comply with United States Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code Sect 101, et seq.), Peru State College Policy on Academic Integrity, and all other policies, acts, and laws that relate to copyright.

Patrons of the library assume all risk and liability if they choose to disregard copyright law.

The following does not legally interpret copyright law but gives guidelines to keep the Library in compliance.

  • All library materials will be legally obtained (i.e. no recordings of televised programs or photocopied books).
  • Contract agreements with vendors of electronic databases and resources will reflect accurate FTE for pricing. Only authorized users will have access to licensed products.
  • Periodicals will be purchased at institution rates.
  • The Library will have current style manuals (i.e. APA and MLA) and resources on copyright and intellectual property.

Copyright notices will be posted on interlibrary loan forms, copier machines, scanners, and computers that can burn CDs/DVDs.

Copyright notices and performance restrictions will be posted in the audiovisual collection.

The Library will follow copyright law (17 U.S.C. 108) and the Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyright Works (CONTU) when requesting interlibrary loans. It reserves the right to deny interlibrary loan requests to ensure compliance with all laws and standards.


  • Faculty is responsible for complying with copyright law.
    • Materials owned by the library, by the college, or by the individual may be placed on reserve.
    • Rented or interlibrary loan materials cannot be placed on reserve.
    • Reproduced or copied materials that are not in the public domain (published before 1929 and sounding records before 1924) or federal government publications must have the permission of the copyright owner before being placed on reserve. This includes video tapes and DVDs that are recordings of televised programs.
    • Copyright permission must be granted for electronic copies.

Performance rights will be obtained for any public performance and/or media showings in the Library.

Only legally purchased or licensed artwork and graphics will be used in library marketing materials.

The Library complies with Nebraska Public Records Law (84-712.05) and federal laws upholding the right to privacy. 

The Library complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law which protects the privacy of student education records. 

The Library only collects and stores the personal information necessary for the operation of the Library and its services. The information is secured to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Information includes contact information such as mailing address, phone number, and email when registering for a library card.
  • Information for library cards are kept as long as the card is active. Inactive cards are deleted after six years of not being used.
  • Patrons that register for a NebrasKard sign a release form that permits the Library to share contact information with other participating Nebraska libraries at their request if they have inquiries about non-returned materials and/or fines.
  • Interlibrary loan requests are shredded after completed and information about the requested material (not the patron information) is entered in a spreadsheet to comply with Copyright Law.
  • The Library does not collect any personal online data. Data from online resources are limited to statistics on usage and searches, which is not linked to individuals.
  • Patrons have the option in some library resources to create free accounts with the resource. The Library doesn’t monitor or have access to these accounts and their information.
  • Files saved to library computers are done at the risk of the patron. Patrons are encouraged to save to a personal storage device or cloud rather than to the hard drive of a library device.

Library employees are the only ones who may access patron’s information and only for library operations. 

  • Patrons with a NebrasKard have released their contact information to be shared with other participating Nebraska libraries for the purpose of library operations.

The Library is not responsible for personal information obtained from or by websites linking from or to the library’s website, from public computers, and/or from printed information unclaimed at the printers and copier. 

Records may be released to law enforcement agencies with an order by a court of competent jurisdiction issued in proper form (a court issued subpoena or search warrant) and/or under the provisions of the USA Patriot Act. The USA Patriot Act prohibits the Library from notifying individuals about requested information.

  • If information is requested by law enforcement, library staff and student employees will use the following guidelines.
    • Law enforcement official requests information without a subpoena or search warrant. 
      • Do not disclose any information.
      • Ask for identification.
      • Inform the Library Director of the request. Library Director will notify the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
    • Law enforcement official presents a subpoena,
      • Contact the Library Director, who will notify the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
    • FBI agent presents a warrant. State and local officials cannot administer warrants under the Patriot Act.
      • Do not interfere with the search and seizure.
      • Contact the Library Director immediately. The Director will inform the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Collection Objective

  • To build a physical and electronic collection that supports the undergraduate and graduate curriculum and research needs of the PSC community.


  • Annually the Library Director will budget funds for the various resources with priority for subscriptions and renewals. Remaining funds will be allocated for print books, eBooks, and audiovisual or streaming media.
  • If the budget allows, each full-time faculty member will be allocated an equal amount for materials to support her/his/their curriculum and the research of her/his/their students. Faculty allocations may be used only for one-time purchases (i.e. print books, eBooks, audiovisual or streaming media) that do not require an annual monetary commitment for the Library.
  • Items with an annual subscription will be purchased in July or the closest to the start of the fiscal year whenever possible.
  • The Library will not make one-time purchases after June 1 to ensure that materials arrive and are paid for before the end of the fiscal year on June 30.


  • The Library Director accepts recommendations for any resources by members of the PSC community. 
  • Materials that require an annual monetary commitment will be reviewed for the next fiscal year following the selection criteria.
  • One-time purchases will be considered depending on available funds and the selection criteria.

Selection Criteria

  • The Library’s main priority is support of the curriculum. Materials for faculty research will be considered if they support the curriculum or are unavailable through interlibrary loan. 
  • Specific criteria includes the following:
    • Quality of the content and research
    • Authority of the author
    • Reputation of the publisher
    • Level of scholarship except for materials purchased for the young adult and juvenile collections
    • Variety
    • Cost
    • Lasting value of the content
    • Publication date – Current publications will receive first priority to keep the collection up to date. However, the Library will purchase older materials to fill gaps or if it is a classic in the subject.   
    • Language – English will be the preferred language. However, other languages will be considered to support foreign language classes and the changing demographic of the PSC community. Foreign films will be considered if they have English subtitles.
    • Format
      • Books and eBooks – The cost and availability of an eBook format will determine if an electronic copy will be purchased. For print books, paperback is preferred over hardback. 
      • Audio – CDs or MP3 is preferred.
      • Video – DVD or streaming video is preferred.
    • Number of Copies – Because of budget, only one copy will be purchased. Exceptions will be made if it is a required or recommended material for a course to be placed on reserve and if the cost for multiple copies is reasonable for the budget.
    • Other Guidelines
      • Textbooks or required materials for a course will be purchased for the textbook collection on reserve depending on the edition and the cost.
      • Textbooks not required for a course will be considered if a classic in the subject and/or if it is the best source for the information.
      • Teacher editions will be purchased, if possible, for the elementary and secondary curriculum collection.
      • All materials will be included in the library collection and housed in the library.
      • Pornographic materials or NC-17 rated movies will not be purchased.

Juvenile and Young Adult Book Collections

  • Purpose
    • To introduce the college's students, especially Education majors, to authors, series, topics, themes, subject matter, etc. that is available in picture books, chapter books, young adult fiction, and non-fiction for K-12.
    • To support courses that use juvenile and young adult books.
    • To encourage reading.
  • Collection Placement
    • The placement of fiction books is based on the reading age provided by, WorldCat, and/or the libraries of Chadron State College or Wayne State College.
    • Non-fiction books are placed in one collection (Juvenile/Young Adult Non-Fiction) regardless of reading level.
  • Selection Criteria
    • Lesson Plan - Will the topic of the book assist in the development of a lesson plan?
    • Subject Matter - Will the subject matter of the book be relevant to K-12 students?
    • Variety
    • Popularity of the author and/or illustrator
    • Quality of the content
    • Cost
    • Publication date - Current publications will receive priority to keep the collection up to date. Older materials will be considered to fill gaps or if a classic.
    • Series - Only the first few volumes of a series will be purchased to introduce it to students. Popular series with patrons will be completed when possible.
    • Awards
      • Winners of the following awards are purchased:
        • American Indian Youth Literature Award
        • Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature
        • Caldecott Medal
        • Coretta Scott King Award
        • Golden Sower Award
        • Newbery Medal
        • Pura Belpré Award
        • Michael L. Printz Award
        • Schneider Family Book Award
        • Stonewall Children's and Young Adult Literature Award
        • Sydney Taylor Award
        • Theodor Seuss Geisel Award
        • William C. Morris Award
      • Award winners for the following are considered based on the content and possible interest by patrons:
        • Alex Award
        • Mildred L. Batchelder Award
        • Robert F. Sibert Award
        • YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults
      • Honor and finalist books of the above awards are considered based on the content and possible interest by patrons.

Print and Electronic Periodicals

  • The Library subscribes to periodicals that support the curriculum and research of the College.
    • Subscriptions for leisure reading will be considered according to the budget, the cost, and the content.
  • Periodicals require an annual financial commitment that increases each year.
  • The Library will pay institution rates.
  • New titles will be added in the summer during the renewal of all subscriptions. To add a new title, it may require the cancellation of an existing title to free funds to cover the cost or an increase in budget. 
  • Subscription period will be January-December whenever possible.
  • Selection criteria:
    • Support of the curriculum
    • Current use of the periodicals in that subject
    • Projected future use
    • Cost
    • Reputation of publisher
    • Availability of electronic copy through databases
    • Avoidance of redundancy across formats
    • Recent interlibrary loan requests for articles in that periodical

Electronic Databases & Resources

  • The Library subscribes to electronic databases and resources that support the curriculum and research of the College.
  • The Library pays institution rates based on current FTE or licensed concurrent users, depending on the contract agreement with the vendor.
  • Whenever possible, the Library will use a consortium such as the Nebraska Library Commission in order to receive discounted rates.
  • Databases require an annual financial commitment that increases each year.
  • New databases or resources will be added in July or closest to the start of the fiscal year as possible. To add a new title, it may require the cancellation of an existing title to free funds to cover the cost or an increase in budget. 
  • Selection criteria:
    • Support of the curriculum
    • Current use of the periodicals and resources in that subject
    • Projected future use
    • Cost
    • Reputation of vendor
    • Availability of electronic titles especially with full-text
    • Avoidance of redundancy across formats
    • All electronic databases and resources will be password protected for off-campus access.  Products that can be accessed off-campus will be given priority to those only accessible on-campus; thus, ensuring that all students regardless of location will have access to the information.
  • Adhering to contractual agreements between the Library and vendors, only members of the PSC community may access databases and resources purchased by the Library.
  • According to the Nebraska Library Commission (NLC), all patrons under our administration can access the NLC subscribed databases.  Residents of Nebraska may request the password to access them from the NLC website; the password is changed biannually and sent to the Library Director who will inform the library staff.


  • The Library accepts donations with the understanding that they may be added to the collection or disposed of according to the selection criteria. 

Maintenance of Collection

  • The library staff will determine if a damaged, dated, or lost item should be replaced.  
    • Replacement will depend on:
      • Availability of a new copy
      • Need to replace the item
      • Newer, updated, or revised materials that may be better to replace the item
      • Historical value of the item
  • The collection will be regularly evaluated to determine if items should be removed using the following criteria:
    • Content is inaccurate or misleading
    • Poor condition of the item
    • Outdated content
    • Poor circulation
    • Information is available in other sources
  • Faculty may be consulted before items are removed from the collection. 
  • To remove items from the collection, records will be deleted from the Library’s integrated library system (ILS) and WorldCat. Library stamps will be crossed out, and spine labels and barcodes removed or marked off. The Library will then follow the College’s surplus procedures for physical removal of items.

Reconsideration of Library Resources

Patrons who have an active library card with the Peru State College Library and who want a resource in the library to be reconsidered must complete the form Reconsideration of Library Resource. The form is available at the Front Desk of the library. The resource will remain in its original location and in circulation during the process.

The completed form will be recorded by the Library Director who will create a report including a summary of its plot or content, selection criteria met by it, list of reviews, awards received if applicable, its circulation, and its holdings in other libraries.

The form and report will be presented to the President’s Cabinet for recommendation concerning the resource’s status in accordance with the College’s mission and values, American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries, and the principles of the freedom to read, listen, and view (The Freedom to Read Statement and Freedom to View) as guaranteed by The Constitution of the United States.

The final decision to keep the resource in its original location, to relocate it to another collection in the library, or to remove it from the library is the responsibility of the Library Director.

A formal letter will be sent to the patron with the final decision. The patron may appeal the decision to the College President.

The due process of reconsidered resources will be followed to adhere to constitutional rights under the First Amendment.

PSC College Emergency and Closure Procedures

  • The Library follows the Emergency and Closure Procedures established by the College. Procedures may be found at:
  • Library employees will review the procedures at least once a year.

Power Outage

  • All patrons will need to exit the library and, if remaining on campus, go to the AWAC, Administration Building, or the Campus Services Building.
  • Library employees will lock the library doors and go to the AWAC, Administration Building, or the Campus Services Building until power is restored or the College is closed early.
  • If the College decides to close early, the Library Director and staff will return to the library to retrieve personal items and complete closing procedures.

Tornado Procedure for Library

  • Tornado Watch – conditions are favorable for tornadoes
    • Library employees will remain alert of weather conditions by monitoring online weather and/or radio. 
    • All patrons in the library will be informed that the area is in a tornado watch and, if upgraded to a tornado warning and/or sirens sound, to seek immediate shelter in the Lower Level Men’s Restroom. Patrons may be encouraged to move to the Lower Level in case a Tornado Warning is issued.
    • Library employees will prepare to take shelter by having the emergency backpack, the first aid kit, and the Security walkie talkie ready to grab before going to the Lower Level.
  • Tornado Warning – tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Take shelter!
    • Grab the emergency backpack, the first aid kit, and the Security walkie talkie behind the front desk. 
    • Move all patrons to the Lower Level Men’s Restroom. Do not use the elevators; only individuals with mobility impairments or physical disabilities and their escort may use the elevators. Keep patrons away from windows and glass, which may explode because of high winds.
    • Remain in the safe shelter until all clear is given.
    • Injuries: Attend to any injuries with the first aid kit; wear gloves if bandaging an open wound that is bleeding.  After the all clear, call 911 if there are any serious injuries and then notify Security 402-872-2411. (Use phones only if there is an emergency.) Do not transport anyone needing medical attention. Document all injuries by writing down individual’s name and injuries; this will be given to the Health Center and Security.
    • When leaving be cautious opening doors and avoiding fallen debris and power lines.

Hours of Operation – May change to comply with the needs of the College and students

  • When classes are in session:
    • Monday-Wednesday 7:30am-11:00pm, Thursday 7:30am-7pm, Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday closed, Sunday 3pm-11:00pm
    • Hours will be adjusted for holidays and breaks.
      • The Library will be open the day before classes resume after a holiday or break. The hours may be reduced (e.g. Labor Day 6pm-11pm).
    • The Library will be open for other College events upon request and availability of staffing.
  • Pre-finals and Finals Week:
    • The Library extends hours the week before and during Finals if student employees to cover the hours are available.
  • When classes are not in session during the school year (August-May):
    • Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday closed
  • Summer Hours
    • Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday closed

Inclement Weather/College Closure

  • Late Start: early-morning weather conditions may make travel hazardous
    • Library will open at the late start time. Closing will be normal unless conditions worsen and Vice President of Academic Affairs approves closing early for safety.
  • Classes Cancelled: all on-campus classes cancelled
    • Library operates normal hours unless conditions worsen and Vice President of Academic Affairs approves closing early for safety.
  • Early Closings: College closes early because of inclement weather, power outage, or other situations for the safety of the College community.
    • This closure is intended to protect the safety of patrons and employees.
    • Library will close at the time announced by the College or shortly after it depending on the needs of the patrons in the library. 
    • Library employees will work until the announced closing time.
    • After the announced closing time, library employees may stay in an “open” building such as the AWAC, Administration Building, or the Campus Services Building if they wish to stay on campus.
    • If closing coincides with lunch (11am-1pm), library employees are expected to work until the announced closing time. Lunch will be taken after the closing time.
    • Bi-weekly and federal work study employees will be notified of the early closing.
  • College Closed: all on-campus classes cancelled and offices are closed
    • Library will have reduced hours 11am-5pm. 
    • All library employees need not report. 
    • Student employee alternates (living in Peru) will be asked if they can make it to the library to open and close the library. If none are available, the Library Director will contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs about how to proceed.
    • If conditions prevent anyone from opening the library, the Library Director will notify the Vice President of Academic Affairs and communicate the closing to the college.


  • Announcements for events and emergencies are displayed around the front desk.
  • Bulletin Boards outside the Main Floor restrooms may be used for community and college announcements. Bulletin Boards on the Curriculum Level are for education and library use.
  • Flyers may be placed on study tables and at the front desk if they are for college events. Standing signs are preferred to reduce clutter on tables.
  • Library flyers may be posted as needed as long as they do not damage and/or clutter facilities.
  • College and Library social media are used to promote library issues and events and college activities.
  • The Library website will be used to list library resources and services, link to relevant resources, and provide searching and research tips.

Disruptive Patrons

  • The Library is a place for studying and socializing. Disruptive behaviors and/or destructiveness will not be tolerated in order to create an environment respectful of other patrons.
  • If a patron becomes disruptive, a library employee will ask the patron to correct her/his behavior.  If the behavior is not corrected, the library employee may ask the patron to leave. Campus Security may be contacted if necessary (402-872-2411).

Minors in the Library

  • The PSC Library follows the Free Access to Libraries for Minors (American Library Association, B.2.1.4). The Library encourages parents and guardians to be responsible for minors under their care.  The Library is not responsible for content that may be found objectionable by parents and guardians.
  • Minors are welcome at the library, but they must be courteous and refrain from disruptive behavior such as running, climbing on furniture, and making excessive noise.
  • Minors under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Campus Security will be contacted (402-872-2411) at the discretion of the library employee if unaccompanied minors are being disruptive or are in danger in the library.
  • If a minor is behaving inappropriately and is accompanied by an adult, the supervising employee will inform the adult of the behavior and ask that the minor to be properly supervised. Incompliance with the request may result in the adult and minor being asked to leave the facility. Campus Security may be contacted if necessary (402-872-2411).

Animals in the Library

  • Service animals are welcome in the library.
  • Pets and other animals are not allowed unless they are part of a College or Library event.

Classes are welcome to use the Library. 

  • The Library cannot ensure the spaces will be free of noise or distractions. 
  • The Curriculum Level has a whiteboard, projection screen, and AV equipment of a projector and DVD player (can be setup by asking at the front desk). 
  • The Library tries to keep reservation of the Computer Lab to a minimum to guarantee access for all students. 
  • Contact the Library (402-872-2311 or email a library employee) to ensure the space is available.

Computer Lab is a designated open lab. It can be scheduled for a limited number of special training sessions or library instruction of short duration. No regular sessions, instruction, or classes may be scheduled in it.

Curriculum Level may be reserved with first priority being PSC classes and second priority PSC students and organizations. Other reservations are encouraged during times when the area may be in low use.

Lower Level is for quiet study. The entire library is for study, but the Lower Level is designated a quiet zone.

Study Rooms are available on the Main Floor and Curriculum Level on a first come, first serve basis. They cannot be reserved. 

Study Carrels are available throughout the library on a first come, first serve basis. They cannot be reserved or restricted.

Lockers are for PSC students only. Students provide their own locks, which must be removed by the end of the semester.


  • Computer Lab is available for all registered patrons whether they are attending or working at PSC. This is in accordance with Nebraska State statutes. 
  • Printers are available for printing from library computers. 
  • A copier is located in the print area. Copies are $.05 per page. Copyright Notice is posted on the copier.

The Library will follow the policies and requirements established by the College’s Human Resources office for all library employees.

Policies can be found at

Peru State College Library
600 Hoyt Street | Peru, NE | (402) 872-2311