What About Fair Use?
If most works are legally protected under Copyright Law, why are students able to use them without paying royalties or obtaining permission?
Fair Use:
- Permits the use of legally protected works
- Includes limitations for the:
- Amount Used
- Circumstances of Use
Fair Use is not a Definitive Set of Rules
This allows circumstances around the work's use to be open to interpretation, fostering an open environment for the free exchange of information.
Fair Use is a Four-Part Legal Test
When determining Fair Use, the law considers each of four Factors. The balance of all four Factors ultimately decides the claim's legal strength.
Factor 1:
Purpose and Character of Use
Likely Fair Use
Likely NOT Fair Use
Factor 2:
Nature of the Original Copyrighted Work
Likely Fair Use
Likely NOT Fair Use
Factor 3:
Amount of the Work Used
Likely Fair Use
Likely NOT Fair Use
Factor 4:
Effect of Use on the Market
Likely Fair Use
Likely NOT Fair Use